Washington > Seattle > Eye doctors & Optometrists
Washington > Seattle > Fabrics
- Acorn Street Yarn Shop
- Archie McPhee & Co
- Bergamo Fabrics Incorporated
- Bias & Sewing Company
- Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipment
- Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipment
- C H Holderby Industrial Sewing Machine Co
- C H Holderby Industrial Sewing Machine Company
- Carriage Country Quilts
- Cbf
- Competitive Edge Athletics
- Crossings
- Crossings
- Diers Bindery Incorporated
- Embroidery Works
- Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts
- Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts
- Floy Tag & Mfg Incorporated
- Full Circle
- Hilltop Yarn
- Image Alchemy
- In The Beginning Fabrics
- Invisible Rain
- J and S Phonograph Needles
- Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store
- Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store
- Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store
- K AM Design
- Kam Gear
- Lambs Ear
- Little Knits
- Logos NW
- M & J Custom Design Ribbons
- My Favorite Shirts
- Nancys Sewing Basket
- Northwest Shirt Designs of Seattle
- Pacific Fabrics & Crafts
- Pacific Fabrics & Crafts
- Perfect Fit McDonald Incorporated
- Pistaccios Piazza
- Rippedsheets.Com
- Seattle Fabrics
- Seattle Garment Exchange
- Smith & Jones
- Snappyduds Custom Embroidery & Screen-print
- Soft Coverings
- Sony Sewing Company
- Stitch Werks Design
- Stitches
- Stitchwerks Design
- Super Yarn Mart
- Superior Embroidery
- Textile Studio Patterns
- The Fiber Gallery
- The Quilting Loft
- The Yarn Stash
- The Yarn Stash
- Tinas On Madison
- Tobar Embroidery
- Tropical Turtle Embroidery
- Undercover Quilts From The USA
- Wild West Shirt Works Incorporated
- Zeuf Design
Washington > Seattle > Fashion
- A Perfect Fit
- Absolute Brilliance
- Acorn Street Yarn Shop
- Active Design & Development
- Adam Tailoring & Alterations
- Adam Tailoring Andalterations
- Akamatsu Pearl & Gem Shop
- All Color Gem
- Alterations and Reweaving Center
- Alterations Plus
- Alysons Fine Jewelry
- Andaluz
- Archie McPhee & Co
- Aree Perlman
- Argus Optical Incorporated
- Atelie Couture
- Atsui Tokyo
- Avatar Corporation
- B C B G
- Bag It Boutique
- Bags N Bags
- Bally of Switzerland Incorporated
- Beau Bangles
- Belgium International
- Bellas Boutique
- ben Bridge Jeweler
- ben Bridge Jeweler
- Benavis Imports
- Bene
- Bergamo Fabrics Incorporated
- Bergman Luggage
- Bergman Luggage
- Bergman Luggage
- Bias & Sewing Company
- Blue Heron Jewelry Company
- Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipment
- Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipment
- Body Circle Designs Incorporated
- Boutiqueodalisque
- Brazillis LLC
- Brighton Collectibles
- Broadway Sunglass
- Buck & Buck Clothing
- Byrnie Utz Hats
- C H Holderby Industrial Sewing Machine Co
- C H Holderby Industrial Sewing Machine Company
- Cammerays
- Carimar
- Carlisle Collection
- Carol McClellan Design
- Carriage Country Quilts
- Carrolls Fine Jewelry
- Cartier
- Cato
- Cbf
- Cherry Blossom Aesthetics
- Cicada
- City Custom Tailor & Dry Cleaners
- City of Seattle Central Library
- Claires Boutique's
- Clementine
- Clothes Encounters
- Coleman Jewelers
- Competitive Edge Athletics
- Conley Hat Manufacturing Company
- Corrys Cleaning Services
- Corrys Fine Dry Cleaning
- Corrys Fine Dry Cleaning
- Cory Michael (Fresh Facials & Skin Care)
- Crane Jewelers
- Crossings
- Crossings
- Crypt Off Broadway
- Crystalyn Kae Handbags and Accessories
- CSW Diamond Cutting
- D S R
- Danaca Design
- Dannys Leather
- David's Bridal
- Davidsen Roy Jewelers
- Davisdesigns
- Decaro Sartoria Custom Tailors
- Deliane Klein Designs Incorporated
- Design Resources Incorporated
- Designs by Ferdod
- Diamond Design Studios Incorporated
- Diamonds Sapphires & Rubies
- Dianes Alterations & Tailoring
- Diers Bindery Incorporated
- Divine
- Dobson Jewelers
- Dollar & Boutique
- Downtown Harley Davidson Motor Clothes
- Dsw
- Dsw Inc
- Duc Hien
- Dunlap Manufacturing Company
- Eddie Bauer
- Eddie Bauer Incorporated
- Edmonds Design Alterations
- EDS Jeweler
- EE Robbins
- EE Robbins
- Elenvilla Alterations & Tailoring
- Embroidery Works
- Emerald City Gallery Westin Hotel
- Erratica Hand Made Felt
- Evolve Body Jewelry Company
- Exact Gems International
- Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts
- Excalibur Cutlery & Gifts
- Extra Care Handbag Repair
- Extra Care Handbag Repair
- Fashion Bug
- Fine Goldsmith
- Finlay Fine Jewelry
- Fiori
- Floy Tag & Mfg Incorporated
- Forever 21
- Forever 21
- Fragile Fit
- Fred Meyer Jewelers
- Fred Meyer Jewelers
- Fred Meyer Jewelers
- Fred Meyer One Stop Shopping
- Fresh Fit Alterations
- Fried Leo
- Friedlanders Jewelers
- Frost Roger Fga
- Fu Gemstone Imports
- Fujino David
- Full Circle
- Gaelsong
- Gem East Corporation
- Gemological Trading Corporation
- Gemstone International
- Gillis The Jeweler
- Gold Thread
- Goldberg H E & Company
- Goldmans Jewelers
- Goldmark
- Good Juju Works Back Dog Metals
- Gordon Welch Jewelry
- Gordons Jeweler's
- Grace Diamond Company
- Grand Products Company Limited
- Green Lake Jewelry Works
- Greenwood Alteration
- Gssjewelers
- Hat World
- Hatterdashery
- Henriettas Hats
- Hilltop Yarn
- Hofmann H C
- Hofmann H C
- Hour Eyes
- Hour Eyes Inc
- Houston J L Incorporated
- Howard & Company Fine Jewelers Limited
- Howard N Marge
- Hudson Goodman Jewelers
- Hunnicutt Beverly Studio
- Hupfauf George Fifth Avenue Custom Jewelers Incorporated
- Icing by Claire's
- Icing by Claires
- Image Alchemy
- In The Beginning Fabrics
- International Gem U S Inc
- International Jewelers Incorporated
- Internet Diamonds Incorporated
- Invisible Rain
- J and S Phonograph Needles
- James Rodney Design Group
- Jay Lauris Jewelers
- Jenny Manes Custom Clothing & Alterations
- Jewel Alterations & Cleaners
- Jewerly Prep
- Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store
- Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store
- Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store
- Jubi Gems West
- Judy Custom Alterations
- K Alan Smith Jeweler
- K AM Design
- K C Designs
- Kahn Robert D & Co
- Kam Gear
- Kats Eye Design
- Kc Gems International
- Kiko House of Couture
- Kim Ngoc
- Kimberly Baker Jewlery
- Kotty Design
- Kroesens Incorporated
- Kuhlman
- Lambs Ear
- Last Waltz Boutique
- Lau Frank Incorporated
- Laura Bee Designs
- Lemon Meringue Boutique
- Lid Wear
- Lid Wear
- Lids
- Lids
- Lids
- Liese Ericksen Custom Design
- Lil Paisleys
- Lilys Incorporated
- Little Knits
- Logos NW
- Lost Luggage
- M & J Custom Design Ribbons
- MacPherson Leather Company
- Madison Park Jewelers
- Magnolia Custom Jewelry
- Mahiras Hong Kong Tailors
- Mamo Jewelery Design
- Manus Custom Tailors
- Marakesh Leather
- Maries Classical Tailoring and Alterations
- Marios Custom Tailoring
- Marlo M Jewelry Design
- Master Craft Leather
- Melting Point
- Metro Tailoring & Alterations
- Michael Anthonys Fine Jewelery
- Michael Dennis A
- Michael Wm. Farrell
- Michaels Bespoke Tailors
- Mile Six
- Minervini
- Mother Nature Incorporated
- My Favorite Shirts
- Nancys Sewing Basket
- New Mark Tailor
- New You Alterations
- Nguyen Vu Jewelry Corp
- Nobles Faux Fur Boutique
- Nobles Faux Fur Boutique
- Nobles Faux Fur Boutique
- Northwest Leather Design
- Northwest Shirt Designs of Seattle
- Octo Designs
- Old Mountain Gift and Jewelry
- Olympic Jewelers
- Olympic Jewelers Limited
- Omni Design
- Outcast & Company
- Pacific Fabrics & Crafts
- Pacific Fabrics & Crafts
- Pacific Gem Incorporated
- Pacrim
- Pandemonium Clothier
- Paula Russell & Co
- Pawn X Change
- Pawn X Change Des Moines Midway
- Perfect Fit McDonald Incorporated
- Phu An
- Piercing Pagoda
- Pioneer Square Businesses
- Pistaccios Piazza
- Porter and Jensen Jewelers
- Porter Jensen Jewelers
- Post Luggage Manufacturing Company Incorporated
- Prestige Fine Jewelry
- Prestige Specialty Cleaners
- Quality Dressmaking & Alterations
- Queen Anne Leather Repair & Restoration
- Queen Anne Tailors
- Ragazzis Flying Shuttle
- Reputation Incorporated
- Rhyne Precious Metals Incorporated
- Richmond Shoe Repair & Alteration
- Rippedsheets.Com
- Roger Juliet
- Rto Design
- Russells Jewelers
- Sanford Design
- Scandia Jewelers
- Scott Baron & Associates
- Screamer Incorporated
- Sears Optical
- Sears Optical C0277
- Seattle Diamond Company
- Seattle Fabrics
- Seattle Garment Exchange
- Seattle Gem Art Gallery
- Seattle Sunglass Company
- Sebastian Gems
- Sew That
- Seward Park Furriers
- Shane Co
- Sheen Industries Incorporated
- Shoe Pavilion
- Sholdt Jewelers
- Signature Jewelry
- Silverworks
- Silverworks
- Simons Alteration
- Sin On Skin
- Skyway Luggage Co
- Smith & Jones
- Snappyduds Custom Embroidery & Screen-print
- Soft Coverings
- Solstice Sunglass Boutique
- Solstice Sunglass Boutique
- Something Silver
- Something Silver
- Something Silver
- Sony Sewing Company
- Sparkle Cleaners
- Spuwear
- Stadium Cleaners
- Star Gold
- Star Pacific Headwear
- Stieg Design Associates
- Stitch Werks Design
- Stitches
- Stitchwerks Design
- Strut Boutique
- Sunglass Designs
- Sunglass Designs
- Sunglass Designs 7519
- Sunglass Hut International
- Sunglass Hut International
- Sunglass Hut International
- Super Pawn
- Super Yarn Mart
- Superb Custom Cleaners
- Superb Custom Cleaners
- Superb Custom Tailors
- Superior Embroidery
- Susan Barry Design
- Suzans Alterations
- Swoon Boutique Spa
- Talbots
- Talbots
- Tall Kristina Handwoven Textiles
- Tan Tan Tailors
- Tanaka Leshlie
- Tandy Leather Company
- Tarri Burchak Designs
- Teddys Custom Dressmaker
- Textile Studio Patterns
- The Astrup Company
- The Coach Store
- The Coach Store
- The Fiber Gallery
- The House of Silver & Gold
- The Madison Collection
- The Quilting Loft
- The Ringworks Studio
- The Yarn Stash
- The Yarn Stash
- Thuy Bridal & Tailor
- Tiffany & Company
- Tinas On Madison
- Titan Case
- Titan Case
- Tobar Embroidery
- Tokatlian Serco
- Total Fashion
- Trans Tailoring
- Tropical Turtle Embroidery
- True Colors Jewelry
- Tulip
- Turquoise Boutique
- Twelfth Night Tailors
- Twig Childrens Boutique
- Twist
- Umay Select Boutique
- Undercover Quilts From The USA
- University Tailors
- University Tailors
- Uysal Alterations
- Village Cleaners
- Violette
- Vita Dolce Fine Jewelry
- Vivians Yarn Shop
- Vsp Jewelery Design Gallery
- Watering Hole The
- WE Hats
- Weisfield Jewelers
- Weisfield Jewelers
- Werners Tailoring
- West Seattle Coins
- Westside Jewelers
- Wgm Jeweler LLC
- Whitehall Jewelers
- Wild West Shirt Works Incorporated
- Wilsons The Leather Experts
- Wilsons The Leather Experts
- Wilsons The Leather Experts
- Won's Jewerly
- Wyatts Jewelers
- Y K Trading
- Yesler Dressmaker
- Zales Jewelers
- Zedick Anthony Jeweler Incorporated
- Zeuf Design